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Gianna Depina


Gianna Depina was born October 23 2003 in Boston, Massachusetts. She ethnically is a Cape Verdean American woman and identifies as a black woman. She has always been curious, outgoing, passionate, and extremely warm hearted. Gianna is a rising junior who is intending on graduating from Bucknell with a B.S in Neuroscience, on the premed track, with an intended minor in health humanities. She strongly believes that it is equally important for pre-health students to explore and learn about the humanities side of health, as it is the science side. Gianna loves nature, cars, working out, all types of animals, and her Mommy, Francisca Depina. Gianna has always been family orientated as she someday wants to start her own big family. Gianna is currently working on spreading awareness on several topics.