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Intro Text for Site (still a work in progress!)

The Effects of COVID-19 on Pennsylvania’s Criminal Justice System

A Comprehensive Study of the Pandemic’s Effects on Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections


The COVID-19 pandemic had significant global impacts, affecting every aspect of everyday life. Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system was particularly unequipped to handle the sudden and severe disruptions caused by the pandemic. The system faced unprecedented challenges, including managing the spread of the virus within overcrowded prisons, adapting to new protocols in law enforcement, and navigating the complexities of virtual court proceedings. 

  • Overcrowded facilities became hotspots for the virus, which resulted in early releases and new safety measures to protect both inmates and staff. 
  • Law enforcement agencies had to quickly adopt new practices to maintain public safety while adhering to health guidelines. 
  • The shift to virtual court proceedings introduced a range of technical and logistical issues, impacting the efficiency and fairness of the judicial process.

These rapid changes shed light on existing weaknesses in the system and demanded urgent, innovative responses to unprecedented problems.

Because of the pandemic, policies and procedures that had been in place for decades were suddenly overturned, requiring immediate re-evaluation and adjustment. The challenges faced during this period were not only logistical but also ethical and legal, as the rights and safety of individuals had to be balanced against public health concerns. 

This period of intense pressure and rapid change provides a unique lens through which to examine the vulnerabilities and strengths of Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system, offering valuable insights for future reforms and improvements.

Impact of Social Movements

During the pandemic, the increased media coverage of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement brought additional scrutiny and pressure on Pennsylvania’s criminal justice system. Although BLM had existed for years, the pandemic period saw a significant surge in its visibility and influence, driven by high-profile incidents of police violence and public outcry. These social movements intensified public demand for reform and accountability, causing many law enforcement agencies and judicial bodies to reconsider their practices and policies. The widespread protests and calls for justice highlighted long standing issues of racial disparities and inequality within the system.

The effects of the pandemic and social movements are deeply intertwined, making it challenging to separate the impacts of each on the criminal justice system. The simultaneous pressures from public health concerns and social justice activism created a unique and complex environment for policymakers. 

  • Finish section by discussing how the project aims to explore the impacts of the COVID-19 period and that cannot be done without considering the intertwined rise of social activism and demand for reform. 

These factors influenced changes in arrest and incarceration rates, court operations, and law enforcement practices. This research project hopes to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these factors reshaped the landscape of justice. This study will also explore the lasting effects of these changes, identifying areas of improvement and best practices that can inform future responses to similar crises.