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Project Plan

Area of Interest:

Pennsylvania (possibly New Jersey as well for a comparison model) 

Narrow down the time frame:

  • Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
  • Pandemic (2020-2021)
  • “Post” Pandemic (2022-2023)

3 Major Components of the Criminal Justice System:

  1. Law Enforcement:
    • Study Changes in Arrest Rates
      • Analyze how arrest rates changed across Pennsylvania before, during, and after the pandemic.
      • Consider racial disparities in arrest rates.
      • Collect data on arrest rates and COVID-19 infection rates.
      • Impact of BLM and Social Unrest:
        • Examine how increased media coverage and social unrest affected law enforcement practices.
  2. The Courts:
    • Operational Changes
      • Analyze changes in court operations, including delays in trials and the shift to virtual legal proceedings.
      • The impact on access to legal representation and the quality of defense.
    • Study changes in prosecution rates and policy shifts.
  3. Corrections:
  4. Study changes in incarceration rates and prison conditions
  5. Investigate policies aimed at reducing overpopulation and exposure to COVID-19, such as early releases.
  6. Collect data on COVID-19 spread within correctional facilities.

Data Collection:

  1. Types of Data Needed:
    • Arrest Rates in PA:
    • Incarceration Rates in PA:
    • Prosecution Rates in PA:
    • COVID-19 Spread Rates in PA:
      • General spread rates and specific rates within incarceration facilities
    • Recorded Changes in Policy
  2. Sources
    • Arrest and Incarceration Rates:
      • Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
      • Pennsylvania State Police arrest records
      • Bureau of Justice Statistics
      • Local county jails and police department records
    • Prosecution Rates (?)
    • COVID-19 Spread Rates:
      • Pennsylvania Department of Health
      • Reports from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
      • CDC reports on COVID-19
    • Policy Approaches and Changes:
      • Official government releases and policy documents from Pennsylvania
      • Legislative records
      • News articles and scholarly articles 
    • Possible Comparison Data:
      • New Jersey Department of Corrections
      • Philadelphia Police Department and local jails
      • Comparative reports from organizations like the Prison Policy Initiative
    • Qualitative Information:
      • Reports from criminal justice advocacy groups
      • News articles and scholarly articles 


  1. Short-term Effects:
    • Immediate Changes:
      • Analyze immediate changes in arrest rates, incarceration rates, and prosecution rates.
      • Study policy shifts and changes in law enforcement, courts, and corrections.
    • Policy and Procedural Shifts:
      • Analyze effects of policy changes, such as those aimed at reducing overpopulation in correctional facilities.
  2. Long-term Effects:
    • Systemic Changes:
      • Lasting impacts on arrest rates, incarceration rates, prosecution rates, and policy shifts.
    • Public Attitudes:
      • How public attitudes towards law enforcement have changed.
      • Perceptions of justice and equity.


  • Immediate and long term effects
  • Best Practices and Areas for Improvement:
    • Best practices implemented during the pandemic.
    • Areas for improvement in the criminal justice system.
    • Discuss how these insights can improve responses to future public health issues.


  • Debating between WordPress and ARCGis for presentation and visualization (leaning towards ARCGis) 
  • Narrative Approach
    • Tell the story of how the pandemic affected the criminal justice system.
    • Highlight the factors that emerged as a result of the pandemic and how they altered lives and the system.
    • Discuss the long-lasting effects on legal system, law enforcement practices, and public perceptions of justice